
9. 7. 2015 | zobrazeno 10511×

Welcome to the website of Czech landscape and travel photographer Jan Miklín (*1986 in Břeclav).

Since childhood and years spent in Boy Scout, I like nature, traveling, sleeping in the tent in the middle of mountains... After secondary school, I started to travel more and take pictures and now travelling and photographing are my biggest passions. These hobbies developed into work, as I have published nearly hundred articles with photographs in various Czech geographic, travel and outdoor magazines, and started to work as magazine editor. Beside writing and photography, after finishing of studies of physical and environmental geography (Ph.D.) I started to work as assistant professor at University of Ostrava, with focus on landscape ecology, thematic cartography and nature conservation ( geoscience part of the website here ).


Except hundreds of photo-articles published only in Czech, there are photo galleries classified by countries, and selection of best photos, panoramatic shots, latest additions and portraits.

List of galleries by country:

Austria, Armenia, Bolivia, Cambodia, Colombia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Ecuador, Chile, India, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Magyar, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey and Ukraine.

Reference and offer

Articles and photographs include these published in magazines 100+1, Byzmag, ČSA Review, Everest, FOTO, GEO Czech edition, Kalimera, Koktejl, Lidé a hory, Naše příroda, Outdoor, Příroda, Svět obrazem, Travelfocus, Treking, Turista or Veronica. I have also produced postcards for various towns and tourist information centers, including Břeclav, Mikulov, Klentnice, myphotosare used in official materials of CzechTourism agency, Warmpeace outdoor equipment catalogues and other promotional and advertising materials, included in ISIFA Stock Photo collection and were appreciated in some photo contests, including CIWEM Environmental Photographer of the Year, National Geographic Photo Contest or Best Touristic Postcard.

All photos are available for commercial purposes ( contact ).

Contact and links




Travelfocus magazine

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